About Us
The Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO is comprised of over 100 local labor unions representing over 150,000 working people in the public sector, private industry, and the building and construction trades. The mission of the Council is to bring social and economic justice to working people by giving them a voice on the job, in politics, and in the community.
The Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO is committed to strengthening the union movement by educating and motivating union members, supporting the right of workers to join unions, and creating a powerful political voice that speaks for workers.
Delegates representing every affiliate meet monthly to share information and to direct the work of the Council. The Delegates elect the Council’s three Executive Officers and 35 Vice Presidents from among their ranks to carry out the functions of the Council – including, among many things, political endorsements, legislative decisions, and solidarity actions. Delegates and Executive Board members represent the leadership of Philadelphia's organized labor movement.
To carry out its mission, the Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO has a dedicated staff and many active committees to bring union members together over common issues and goals.